For the most part I use my makeup brushes every single day to apply my bareMinerals makeup to my face! I do have to say bareMinerals brushes are NOT my favorite brushes because the hairs tend to fall out ALL the time as I'm applying and I don't enjoy having to brush my clothing off every time I apply makeup.
Recently I have starting doing makeup for photographers and some clients here and there in the salon and needed a cheap and easy way to clean my brushes I use on myself and my brushes for my clients.
Lots of bacteria and skin cells can harbor in those brushes and need to be cleaned at least once a month if not every couple weeks!
This recipe seems to do the trick and leaves your brushes, clean, soft and smelling wonderful depending on the flavor of soap used!
Here is what you will need:
1 Tbs white vinegar
1 Tbs dish soap of choice
2 C water (second cup for final rinse of brushes)
Mix together vinegar, soap and 1 cup of water in bowl and use solution to soak brushes for a couple minutes. Finger through bristles a bit, not too rough, but enough to help get remaining makeup out. Once fished dump cleaner in sink and use 1 cup of clean water to do the same. Take brushes out and part dry with towel. Reshape and lay flat to dry for a good 24 hours.
Enjoy your clean bacteria free brushes!